This is a place i come that can lead me anywhere

This is not a Blog, Just a place I come to leave thoughts on, "The Multiverse within the Proton, using Extended Periodic Table.

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No one knows you like you know yourself,follow your own path and all shall become clear

Thursday, 11 August 2011

From the Search for Quark Matter to Cancer Therapy

From the Search for Quark Matter to Cancer Therapy: "The second important area in basic nuclear research at GSI is the investigation of hot, dense nuclear matter. Across the entire SIS energy range (and, beyond that, to the highest energies at CERN in Geneva), heavy ion beams are providing physicists with the opportunity of studying the multiple manifestations of nuclear matter, from its normal 'liquid' state to a gas composed of free nucleons, and on to the dissolution of nucleons in a quark-gluon plasma. This domain of investigation has likewise strong astrophysical implications, since scientists believe that a few fractions of a second after the big bang all the matter in the universe existed as a quark-gluon plasma. What’s more, the dramatic course of supernova explosions and the properties of the neutron stars to which they give rise are determined to a large extent by the behavior of compressed nuclear matter."

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Sunday, 7 August 2011

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Everything is in Everything

we are born of the Alpha-Omega, we are the Alpha-Omega.

Don’t Miss the Big Picture

“Reading Mathematics is not at all a linear experience ...Understanding the text requires cross references, scanning, pausing and revisiting” 2
Don’t assume that understanding each phrase, will enable you to understand the whole idea.  This is like trying to see a portrait painting by staring at each square inch of it from the distance of your nose.  You will see the detail, texture and color but miss the portrait completely.  A math article tells a story.  Try to see what the story is before you delve into the details. You can go in for a closer look once you have built a framework of understanding.  Do this just as you might reread a novel.

Packed with world stats