This is a place i come that can lead me anywhere

This is not a Blog, Just a place I come to leave thoughts on, "The Multiverse within the Proton, using Extended Periodic Table.

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Monday, 30 April 2012

interesting nasa footage

The stripes that surround Earth, Two giant belts of radiation surround Earth, The inner belt is dominated by ELECTRONS the outer one by PROTONS.

As we all know matter is basically made up of "empty space", 
You can compress the human race to fit inside a sugar cube, But still this is only compressing the space between electrons/protons/neutrons,
But quarks are also empty space, Yet this "empty space" makes up 90% of a protons mass, This empty space is made up of "virtual particles" that appear and disappear from nothing,
Similar to how we are led to believe our "universe" came into existence appearing from nothing,

We also know that 90% of the mass we cannot see between stars/galaxies is "Dark", Perhaps virtual particles that are there but are not there, Maybe why we cannot see this dark mass., 

I believe "Everything exists within Everything", Our universe/Virtual particle exists within the quark, And within each and every "virtual particle".
virtual universe.jpg

So this leads me to believe when we talk about travelling distances/light years, It will not be a matter of how fast we can travel outwards to the stars,
But how we can travel inwards, Which will come when mankind realizes his true nature as energy beings. And realizing we are all One, Existing within each other.

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